dimanche, mars 31, 2013


lovely map by
Millo Antonio from an isolario
of the Mediterranean.

In the collection
of Britain’s national Maritime museum



Wen Xu / Poème Montagne

Traduit de l'américain par Samuel Rochery
paru dans 751 issue 5

" 1 is probably 2
2 is probably 3
Therefore, 1 is probably 3
1 is indeed 2
2 is indeed 3
Therefore, 1 is indeed 3
1 is 2 enough
2 is 3 enough
Therefore, 1 is 3 enough
1 is certainly 2
2 is certainly 3
Therefore, 1 is certainly 3
1 is occasionally 2
2 is occasionally 3
Therefore, 1 is occasionally 3
1 saw 2
2 saw 3
Therefore, 1 saw 3
1 was 2
2 was 3
Therefore, 1 was 3
1 is waiting on 2
2 is waiting on 3
Therefore, 1 is waiting on 3
1 is perhaps 2
2 is perhaps 3
Therefore, 1 is perhaps 3
1 likes 2
2 likes 3
Therefore, 1 likes 3
1 walked with 2
2 walked with 3
Therefore, 1 walked with 3
1 imagined 2
2 imagined 3
Therefore, 1 imagined 3
1 is meaner than 2
2 is meaner than 3
However, 3is downright evil next to 1
1 has no relation with 2
2 has no relation with 3
Therefore, 1 has no relation to 3
1 misunderstands 2
2 misunderstands 3
Therefore, 1 misunderstands 3
Is 1 really 2?
Is 2 really 3?
Therefore, is 1 really 3?
1 is/has 2
2 is/has 3
Therefore, 1 is/has 3
1 might be 2
2 might be 3
Therefore, 1 might be 3
1 is seemingly 2
2 is seemingly 3
Therefore, 1 is seemingly 3
Is 1 really 2, I wonder?
Is 2 really 3, I wonder?
Therefore, is 1 really 3, I wonder? Come on, tell me!
1 thinks it is 2
2 thinks it is 3
In other words, 1 thinks it is 3
1 is a famous singer-actress in 2’s eyes
2 is a famous singer-actress in 3’s eyes
Therefore, 1 is a famous singer-actress in 3’s eyes
1 is treating 2 as a problem
2 is treating 3 as a problem
Therefore, 1 is treating 3 as a problem
1 alone is 2
2 alone is 3
Therefore, 1 alone is 3
Well, of course, 1 is 2
Well, of course, 2 is 3
Therefore, well, of course, 1 is 3
1 and 2 don’t understand
2 and 3 don’t understand
Therefore, 1 and 3 don’t understand
1 could have been 2
2 could have been 3
Therefore, 1 could have been 3
1 finds 2 despicable
2 finds 3 despicable
Therefore, 1 finds 3 despicable
1 is probably really 2
2 is probably really 3
So 1 is probably really 3
1 repeats 2
2 repeats 3
Therefore, 1 repeats 3
1 is the reverse of 2
2 is the reverse of 3
Therefore, 1 is the reverse of 3, right?
1 only understands 2
2 only understands 3
Therefore, 1 only understands 3
1 also understands 2
2 also understands 3
Therefore, 1 also understands 3
1 doesn’t understand anyone but 2
2 doesn’t understand anyone but 3
Therefore, 1 doesn’t understand anyone but 3
1 is not different than 2
2 is not different than 3
Therefore, 1 is not different than 3
1 does not understand 2
2 does not understand 3
Therefore, 1 does not understand 3
1 is 2, ain’t it?
2 is 3 ain’t it?
So, 1 has gotta be 3, right!
Well, of course 1 is 2!
Well, of course 2 is 3!
So, well, of course 1 is 3!
1 is always totally 2
2 is always totally 3
Therefore, 1 is always 3 (LOL)
1 is 2’s lover
2 is 3’s lover
Therefore, 1 is 3’s lover
1 slugged 2
2 slugged 3
So 1 hauled off and slugged 3
1 is born from 2
2 is born from 3
Therefore, 1 is born from 3
1 is a figment of 2’s imagination
2 is a figment of 3’s imagination
Therefore, 1 is a figment of 3’s imagination
1 took 2 by surprise
2 took 3 by surprise
However, 3 took 1 by surprise
1 wants to be 2
2 wants to be 3
Therefore, 1 wants to be 3
1 is sometimes 2
2 is sometimes 3
Therefore, 1 is sometimes 3
Surprised, 1 is 2
Surprised, 2 is 3
Therefore, surprised, 1 is 3
1 says to 2
2 says to 3
So 1 says to 3
1 is smoking 2
2 is smoking 3
Therefore, 1 is smoking 3
1 is 2, don’t ya think?
2 is 3, don’t ya think?
So 1 is 3, don’t ya think?
Could 1 be 2?
Could 2 be 3?
So how could 1 possibly be 3?
1 is more numerous than 2
2 is more numerous than 3
Therefore, 1 is more numerous than 3
1 might not be 2
2 might not be 3
So 1 might not be 3
1 is whispering with 2
2 is whispering with 3
Therefore, 1 is whispering with 3
The 2 that was a 1 is a 3
The 3 that was a 2 is a 1
Therefore, the 1 that was a 3 is a 2
I don’t know if it’s 1 or 2
I don’t know if it’s 2 or 3
So I don’t know if it could be 1 or 3
1 is at war with 2
2 is at war with 3
Therefore, 1 is at war with 3
1 is in front of 2
2 is in front of 3
Therefore, 1 is in front of 3
1 feels sorry toward 2
2 feels sorry toward 3
Therefore, 1 feels sorry toward 3
1 is not necessarily 2
2 is not necessarily 3
Therefore, 1 is not necessarily 3
1 is the subject of 2’s vicious rumors
2 is the subject of 3’s vicious rumors
Therefore, 1 is the subject of 3’s vicious rumors
1 also likes 2
2 also likes 3
Therefore, 1 also likes 3
1 thinks 2 has talent as a poet
2 thinks 3 has talent as a poet
Therefore, 1 thinks 3 has talent as a poet
1 thinks of 2 as 3
2 thinks of 3 as 1
Therefore, 3 thinks of 1 as 2

“Logic Poems” by Tanaka Atsusuke (trans. by Jeffrey Angles)


particule #18


petite parcelle d'hostie tombée
dans le calice

particule #19


qui subsiste toujours et qui apprend

particule #20

de l'empirisme

de l'expérience soit externe
soit interne

loin des années

particule #21

tout s'écoule

nous sommes transportés

immortel comme en larmes

particule #22


écoutez prêtez l'oreille
des livres essentiels
ont commencé de se réveiller


blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc
blanc le jour est blanc le jour blanc le jour est blanc

L.A.Photographies mars 2013

Matthew Brandt









il est représenté par un point

le bindu

ils ont attendu
plus de 1000 ans avant de sentir
le besoin de distinguer
une place
Ne désespérez jamais. Faites infuser davantage.
Henri Michaux , Face aux verrous.

Du "Dao" originel
du commencement du réel
des signes célestes
des formes terrestres
des règles saisonnières
de l'examen des choses obscures
des esprits essentiels
de la chaîne originelle
de l'art du maître
des évaluations fallacieuses
de l'équivalence des moeurs
des résonances du "Dao"
de l'inconstance des choses
des paroles probantes
de l'utilisation des armes
montagne de propos
forêt de propos
du monde des hommes
du devoir de se cultiver
de la synthèse ultime

"ô le plus violent paradis"


" " (3x4) * & # 111 12 14 24 33T 3X3 4 5 64 64 fleurs de montagne 8 80fleurs A A.a.H A.L. A.R7 A.S. A1 A10 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AB ABDL Abécédaire Aboulafia Abréviations Abrüpt Abruzzo ACC Acker acronyme Actis Actualités ADBP Adorno ADR Adrénaline ADUMC Advaita Agamben Agenda AgnèsMartin Agrafe et boite Ainsité AIR Air du temps Akhmatova AL Alain de Lille Alan Davies Albiach Alchimie Alechinsky Aleph ALF Alferi alien Alina Reyes ALTH AM Amande Amor fati AN Anagrammes Anaphore Anaximandre Anders André Breton André du Bouchet André Velter Andy Goldsworthy animal animation Annick Ranvier Annonciations Anthologie Antin David AP Aphaïa aphorismes Apollonios Appelfeld Approche APUMM APZ Arago Aram Saroyan Arbres ArgentOr Aristote Arp Arseguel Art sacré ARTHAUD AS ASDMI Ashbery ASLEND Assez Astrologie Atlantide attente Aurélien Barrau Aurore Automne Auxméry AVB Avec Avent AW axiologie Axiomes Azam B B.Celerier Babel Bachmann Baies Baigaitu BAM Banal Bandeaux Barque Barré Barry Lopez Barthes Bashô Basque Basquin Bataille Battala BAZAR BDLE BDLF Beaufortain Beckett Beckford Benedetto Bénézet Benoît Labre Benveniste Bergounioux Bernstein bête Bhattacharya bibliographie Bibliothèques bientôt Bimot Binet bio BioMobiles Biopsies Bishop BISSES1 Bivouac Blackburn Blaine Blanc Blanchot Blanqui Blaser Blau Duplessis Bleu Bobin Bochner Bohm boisflotté bord de terre Borges Bouddha Bouthonnier Bouvier Bozier Brautigan Bretagne Bribes Briciole bricoleur Broodthaers Bruckner Bryen BSRM Butor Byron C C.C C.E.T C.F. C.Olson çacest café Camino Campo Cantos Capital Capricorne Captures Carl Andre carnet Carson Carte postale Cartes et globes Carver Casas Cavale cavernes Cazier CCB CCEM CDLP CDLRP CDMDCDD CDN CDRSLS CDS ce ce qui est ceci cela Céline Celui Cendras cequej'aime Cerbelaud cercles Cerf Ceux Cézanne CGJ CH5 chaman Champs chant1 Chants et Poésies Chappuis Char chartres Chartreuse Chaton Chemins ChenZhen Chladni Choeur Choisir Chômei Chose Christian Dotremont christo Chu-Ta Ciel Ciel profond Cioran Circé citations civilisations CL Claude Favre Claude Simon Clausewitz CLBC Climat Closky Clouscard CMDOT Code Cole collages coller Collines collobert Combines Côme comme comment Compact compostelle conscience constitution contingence contre conversation Copier Corbeau corpus Cortazar couleur covid CP Cravan Creeley CS.PAP CSB CSMM Cummings cut Cut 1 CV Cyber cycle CyT Dada DALA Dans Danse Dao Dates DCPC DDLR de De Vries Decout definition définitions DEGAULLE Deguy Deleuze Delillo délires Démocrite Denis Roche Déplacement Dérive Derrida Des Déserts Désir Détails Détournement DETQC Dextre DFRC DH DI Diable Dickinson Dillard Diogène Divers DJLC DLADLS DMI DMOAM Domerg Donne Dryas DSDLDS Duchamp DUM Dumond Duncan DUNE Duras Durer Duvauroux DVDC Dworkin E E.Baer E.C E.E. E.O E.P. EA EAIO EB écart énigme Echenoz échos Echos L.A. Eckhart Tolle Eco Ecosse écoute écritures Eddas EDG EDLCDS EDLF Edmond Jabès EDO EIJS elle ELLEDIT ELLELL Elles Ellul EM Emmerson Empédocle EN ENCORE encres et musique Encres et peintures Ennéade EnSof Entre entrelacs environnement Eons EPE épiphanies épistémologie EPLA ère ERRER Escher ESE Eshleman Esnault ESPA Espace Espitallier essais ét été Etel Adnan Etna étoile Etymologie Eucharistie Euler évangile Eventail Exergue F F.A. F.EAA F.O F.Pirates FAA Fable faits FAJ Faune Fayçal Fengliu feu Films FiniSol Finkielkraut FIVE FL Flore fmr FNAR Foligno Forest Foucault Fourcade Fourier FP FQPCC Fractales Fragme Fragments France François Cheng Frappat Frémon Fréquences Fugue Fuji G.C.L. G.Luca G.R.I Gary Snyder Gaza GB GDD GDLMC GDT GEGO genese Genet Genji géométrie géophanie Géopoésie Gervais Geulincx Gif Giffard Giovannoni Girard Giraud Giroux Gizzi Gleize Glossaire GMH Gnoséologie Gobenceaux Godard Godwin Goethe Gombrowicz Gongora Goodman Nelson GOPC GPDB GR54 GR70 GR91 Graal Grâces Gramm gris Grothendieck Guesdon Guy Debord Guyau Guyotat GWFH H H.D. H.P Hadot Haenel haïku Hamish Fulton Hamon Harms Harrari Hart Crane Hausmann HE Heaney Hécate Hegel Heidegger Henri Michaux Henri Thomas Herbes Herta Müller Hésiode Hesse Heures hexagrammes HFSR HHPC Hikmet Hillesum Hiroshi Yoshida Histoire HN HO Hocquard Hofmannsthal Hohl Hölderlin Hominidés homonymies Houellebecq HR. HRC HSCDLAE HTH Hubin Hugo Ball Huguenin Hume HV Hymnes orphiques Hypérion Hypnos i I remember I.P-B. 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Oppen OR Oraison Orcia Orphée Orwell Oscar Oscarine Bosquet OSMH oui ours Ovide P.A P.B.Shelley P.L. P.observatoire P.P. P48 Paddle Padirac Pages PalestineIsraël palimpseste Palmer Paolo Icaro papier PAR Para Paracelse Paradis Parant parenthèse parfum Parian Paris Parlant Parménide Paroles particules Pascal pasolini Passages Paul Celan Paul Valéry Paysages PC PDLBELM PDLC PDLE PDM Pêche peck peintures numériques L.A. peirce Pennequin Penone PEPDLE Perec performance permaculture Pessoa Peuchmard peut-être PGDR Ph.Beck pharmakon Phi Philippe Grand Philippe Sollers Photographes PHPN Phrases phusis Pi Pierres Pierrette Bloch Pieuvre Pin Pise Pivot Pizarnik Plagiat planètes Plankl Platon Pléonectique Pleynet plongeur Plotin Plus PNSLTS POCP Podiensis poésie Poignant Poindron Points Politikos polygraphe pommes Ponge Pour praxis prénoms prépositions presque Prière Printemps Promenade Properce propositions Proust PRYNNE Psaumes PSDUP ptyx PUB puiser puissance Pyramides Pyrrhon PYS qi Qualia quand quantique Quatrebarbes quelqu'un QuelqueChose quelquefois quelquepart question Questions Qui Quignard Quiz quoi Quotidien R.G.Lecomte R.M. R.M.I R.M.T. Rachi Rae Armantrout ram Range Raphoz Raven RBDBB RBLPDT RCETTM RCLSDF RD RDLB Recettes Reclus Refuges et cabanes règles Renaud Camus René Daumal REPA résumé Rêve Revenir Reverdy Révillon Rexroth Rey Reznikoff Richard Long rien Rilke Rimbaud RIP Ristat Rivières RL.P&J RLP RM.ACDLE Robert Barry Robert Filliou Robert Hainard Robert Lax Rocamadour Rochery Roger Ackling Roman Rome Roses Rosset Rothenberg Rothko Roubaud Roud Routes Rouzier Royet-Journoud RPW RR RSG Rubâï Rueff Rûmî Rumney Runes Ruscha Russes Ruyer Ryner Ryoko Sekiguchi s S.Tesson sa vie sable Sade sagesse Saigyo Sakaki Saliens SALXI Sam Francis Samivel Sangral sans Sans Titre Santoka Sappho Sator Saturne Savelli Savitzkaya SBL1 SBLI Sbrissa Schlechter Schopenhauer Schurmann Sculptures Sculptures Photographies L.A. SDM Sel selon SELP Seneca Sénèque Sengaï SGM Shakespeare Shitao Shiva Shônagon SI Sicard signal Signes Signets Sikelianos SILENCE Silesius Silliman Simmel Simon Cutts Sinclair singularité Situation Sivan six SJDC Skalova Ski SLFDM soleil solénoïde Solutré Sommeil Sonnets Sons Sor Juana Sôseki Soto Soufi Soufre Soulages Souligne Sous le Pas SP SPHS SPiced Spicer Spinoza Spira spirale sport SPRCGB SPSLSA Squires SSM Stéfan Stein Steiner steppe Stromboli Structure Suarès SUBHDLH Suchère Suel suite Sun Tzu sur Suso Swensen Synchronicité synonymes Synopsis T T.A T.C T.R T.S.Eliot Tabarini Takis Tanizaki tantôt TAOPY Tardy Tarkos Tchékhov TDQ TEL Temps Temps probable TeneT Tétralemme TEXTES Thalès Thé Théorie Tholomé timbres TINTIN Tissu Titres TLP TN Tocqueville Todtnauberg tomates TOPOS Torque Toscane Toujours TouT TP TP.BN Traces Traduire Trains translucide TRICTRAC Triste époque Tsvetaeva TT TU Tumulte Tweets Typoésie u.p.d.d.v UCDD UJAAB UJAJS Ukraine ULDLLA Ulysse UMP UN UNM unmot UPSA usura UVD V V.E V.I. V.Kh V.P. VALC Valet vazquez VDSJ VE Véda Vegan vélo VEMDIL Venet Venise Vents VERBES Vercors Verlaine Verne verre Vert vertical Vésuve Vézelay VGE Vico Victoria Hanna vide Vidéo Vilgrain Virgule visage Viton vitraux VJ VO voici Voies voilà voix volcan Voluspa Volut Von Aesch Vous Voyelles Vulcano W W.Benjamin W.I.P. W.S Wable Wagô Wajcman Waldman Waldrop Wallace Stevens Walser WB WBY wcw webasso Webcams Wermer Lambersy Werth WGJ WilliamBlake Windows Wittig Wolfgang Laib Wolfson wolman Woolf ww. WWFDH Xardel Xénophon Xu Xiake xxx Y.B Yanka YDM YISANG YOGA Zagdanski ZANZOTTO Zeit Zéno Bianu Zéro Zététique Zinoviega Zoom Zukofsky Zürn

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