mercredi, novembre 15, 2017

Quantum thinking

Photograph by
Alejandro Guijarro
Physicist's Blackboards Series

Abstract artist Cy Twombly and his intricate
muted scribblings on chalkboard-like canvas
Ohne Titel

The Take-Away: Fascinating that the scientist and the artist use the same dynamic forces to explore and express thinking in their respective realms. The scribbling notations of the physicist are the expression of the dynamics of scientific thought; Twombly's scribbly gesture marks are the expression of the dynamics of creative, artistic thought. Both forms of thinking seem to incorporate the duality of "quantum effects" ... flickering back and forth between imagined and known ... between the alternate states of "what if" and "what is" ... Both are forms of what might be characterized as "quantum thinking."  

Is all thinking "quantum thinking" ? 


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