mardi, novembre 15, 2016

Citrus Squeezer

la poésie 
comme fruit qui peut-être 

Modèle: AEA01 

Année: 2011 

Type: Citrus Squeezer 

Fabricant: Alessi 

Origine: Italie 

Designer: Eero Aarnio 

Matériel: Résine thermoplastique 

Dimensions: W 124 x L 210 x H 117 mm 

Capacité: 45 cl

For over half a century, and with great consistency, the finnish designer Aarnio has designed brightly coloured objects for the house with rounded, geometric shapes that allude to a kind of “children’s code.” His works, almost all made in plastic, are short, visual tales that combine features both humorous and playful with precise and explicit functional meanings.


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