mercredi, mars 02, 2016


You look at your bones gone loose scattered in all directions
Poem, 279 words

Mikko Kuorinki

you are digital silence 
you are autistic nature 
you are silent oracle 
you are mediocre
you are immersed in mindless bullshit which you fetishise
you are a container
you are soft light
you are a pathfinder
you are guided by flowers
you are mistaken
you are close
you are a rough irregular surface
you are surrounded by water bottles and mascots 
you are mother daughter laughter thingy
you wash away the handshake
you carry an object across the room 
you lay in the bed and talk
you lack meaning
you rub your right eye
you try to hold on to things passing by
you buy outdoor gear for being homeless
you look at your bones gone loose scattered in all directions 
you know more than I know
you rub yellow jam with your feet on the table legs
you slowly lose meaning
you say “shit, I’m sorry man”
you drink a non-alcoholic beer
you crack the glass
you melt the steel
you seek warmth
you feel the pull
you feel empty
you go for a jog
you observe the sky
you observe the trees
you chew a melatonin pill 
you eat the language
you give easy answers
you give into the void
you unlock the phone
you wake up in a hollow room 
you experience no time
you don’t know what “tangible” means
you download cries and whispers
you eat a hot dog
you think about if it’s ok to mix paracetamol and alcohol 
you sit inside a car with a slightly shattered window
you have a gracious face
you have eyes
you have no input
you have legs
your lips are glossy
your eye gets clogged-up


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